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Universal Health Coverage Day

Universal Health Coverage Day

Universal Health Coverage Day on 12 December is the annual rallying point for the growing movement for health for all. The day call on leaders to make smarter investments and accelerate efforts towards “Health for All”.  In the world we want, everyone everywhere has...
Indian Organ Donation Day – 2022

Indian Organ Donation Day – 2022

Indian Organ Donation Day is being celebrated every year on November 27 to commemorate the contributions made to society by deceased donors and their families. The objective of the day is to spread awareness among people and to recognize the selfless efforts made...
First Aid for Chocking

First Aid for Chocking

Choking is a medical emergency. Knowing what to do when someone is choking could save their life. A person chokes when the flow of air to their lungs gets blocked, causing breathing difficulties. Children and adults with a disability are at greater risk of choking....
World Prematurity Day – 2022

World Prematurity Day – 2022

Celebrated internationally on November 17th, World Prematurity Day (WPD) acknowledges the journeys of preterm infants and their families as well as raises awareness of the challenges faced by children born preterm and their families. Preterm babies can suffer lifelong...
Newborn Care Week (15-21) November 2022

Newborn Care Week (15-21) November 2022

Newborn Care Week is observed on November 15th to 21st, the aim for celebrating the week is to raise awareness about the importance of the newborn care for child survival and development. The day aims of reducing the neonatal mortality rate and making people aware and...