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World Asthma Day is dedicated to raise awareness about this pernicious disease. And it also seeks to bring awareness and advanced asthma care to sufferers throughout the world. Asthma or bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of airways and cause them to narrow and swell which causes periodic attacks of coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and wheezing. There are different types of asthma and accordingly the triggers are different yet the classic signs mentioned above remain the same. The common types of asthma are allergic asthma, cough-variant asthma, non-allergic asthma, nocturnal asthma and occupation asthma.

The known aggravators of asthma are many and include everything from allergens to air pollution, and other chemicals that can appear in the environment that irritate the lungs. In high enough concentrations, these factors can cause serious asthma attacks in sufferers and can aggravate cases that are otherwise mild.
An additional added factor is psychological stress and, again, this element is particularly high in those living on the edge of poverty, increasing its occurrence there further. The COVID-19 virus can be particularly troubling for those with asthma. Symptoms of COVID-19 may be more severe and may lead to poor outcomes for those with asthma.
Thus, learning more about asthma, raising awareness, and supporting those who have the disease is growing in importance. So now it’s time to observe World Asthma Day!