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World Cancer Day – 4th February 2023
World Cancer Day aims to promote awareness on cancer as a public health issue and to strengthen actions towards improving access to quality care, screening, early detection, treatment and palliative care. Cancer is a disease in which some of the body’s cells grow...
Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Day
Rheumatoid Arthritis awareness day is observed every year on February 2nd to make people aware about this autoimmune condition. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can affect more than just your joints. In some people, the condition can damage...
World Leprosy Day
The aim of observing the World Leprosy Day is to create awareness against the stigma attached to the disease, by making the general community aware that it is a disease spread by a type of bacteria and it can be easily cured. The main symptoms of leprosy are muscle...
First Aid For Toothache
Tooth decay is the main cause of toothaches for children and adults. Bacteria in your mouth thrive on the sugars and starches in the food we eat. The bacteria form a sticky plaque clinging to the surface of teeth. Acids produced by the bacteria in plaque erodes the...
January – Thyroid Awareness Month
Thyroid awareness month seeks to raise awareness regarding these diseases, their causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention. The thyroid gland, a small butter-shaped gland located at the base of the neck, plays a major role in the development of the human body. It is...
Is Your New Year Resolution Weight Loss?
Achieving healthy weight loss isn’t about a “diet” or “program” but a lifestyle with healthy eating patterns, regular physical activity, and stress management. Medications taken for other conditions may also make it harder to lose weight. Improving Your Eating...
World Braille Day
World Braille Day on January 4 is celebrated to honor the birth of Braille’s inventor, Louis Braille. Braille’s gift to the world has brightened the lives of millions of people around the world who are blind or visually impaired. Louis Braille was a Frenchman who lost...
First Aid for Insect Bites
First Aid for insect bite.
First Aid for Poisoning
First Aid on poisoning.
Myth and Fact about Insect Bites
Stinging insects are honeybees, bumblebees, wasps, hornets, fire ants, have different kinds of venom, but none is likely to be dangerous in small doses unless someone is allergic to the poison. When insect stings are suspected, the skin will be checked for the...
Myth & Fact About Poisoning
Milk is not a remedy or antidote for poisons, nor does it protect the stomach from an ingested chemical or toxin. Other myths include having a person eat burned toast, raw eggs or mustard. None of these are a remedy. Forcing someone to vomit is the wrong thing to do....
First Aid For Hypothermia
Hypothermia is a medical emergency that occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously low body temperature. When your body temperature drops, your heart, nervous system and other organs can't work normally. Left untreated,...
Myth and Fact about Madras Eye
Madras Eye may not be a life-threatening disease, but doctors say that we cannot be lax with the infection. “Madras Eye may not have lasting visual implications for most of the population. But, the infection can be passed on to a large population very soon, keeping...
Universal Health Coverage Day
Universal Health Coverage Day on 12 December is the annual rallying point for the growing movement for health for all. The day call on leaders to make smarter investments and accelerate efforts towards “Health for All”. In the world we want, everyone everywhere has...
First Aid for Drowning
The events that result in drowning can be divided into the following sequence: (i) struggle to keep the airway clear of the water, (ii) initial submersion and breath-holding, (iii) aspiration of water, (iv) unconsciousness, (v) cardio-respiratory arrest and (vi) death...
Indian Organ Donation Day – 2022
Indian Organ Donation Day is being celebrated every year on November 27 to commemorate the contributions made to society by deceased donors and their families. The objective of the day is to spread awareness among people and to recognize the selfless efforts made...

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