Aug 23, 2022 | NEWS & EVENTS |
Common myth is that ambulances only transports accident victims to hospitals. The fact is ambulance are quipped with life-saving apparatus along with first aid. Ambulances offered by ZHL include Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS) equipment...
Aug 20, 2022 | NEWS & EVENTS |
International Day of Medical Transporters celebrations at SLMCH on 20/8/2022. Dr Priyadarshini from the Department of Community Medicine presented PPT on the importance of ambulance drivers and mentioned the roles and responsibilities. The emergency crew was honoured...
Aug 15, 2022 | NEWS & EVENTS |
On the occasion of Independence Day, let us take inspiration from our national heroes who loved their motherland unconditionally.”
Aug 13, 2022 | NEWS & EVENTS |
World Organ Donation Day is observed every year on August 13 across the globe. The purpose of observing this day is to spread awareness about the importance of organ donation and to encourage people to do the same The Theme for World Organ Donation Day 2022 is...
Aug 10, 2022 | NEWS & EVENTS |
The skin disease, ringworm is not caused by a worm. It might be because of the name “ringworm” that most people think that it is a worm that causes the condition. However, it is not true. Ringworm is a fungal infection, which means it is caused by a...
Aug 4, 2022 | NEWS & EVENTS, orthopedics |
Every year, the day of 4th August is observed as National Bones and Joint Day. The main objective of this day is to raise awareness about the need to keep bones healthy. The theme of National Bone & Joint Day: ‘Prevention of deformity in degenerative disease’. it...